Welcome to a whole new level of personalised and professional running advice.
You can achieve massive results driven through totally individualised data. I prescribe your programming based on augmented external biofeedback via the game-changing real-time feedback platform Run Easi. I also accurately test your strength and rate of force development using our world-class equipment.
You’ll then have the option to receive a tailor-made program based on your results as well as retests to measure your progress.
My revolutionary testing packages are suitable for you if:
You have a history of injuries and want to help prevent future issues
Would like to improve your running form
Would like to boost your running performance
Unlike most Gait Analysis platforms which only visually assess the movement of the lower extremities, the Run Easi platform also provides essential data on critical elements that can’t be seen with the human eye such as:
⚫ Dynamic Stability - Assessing pelvic control to help reduce energy cost, and reduce the biomechanical impact which relates to a higher risk of running-related injuries.
⚫ Impact Magnitude - Assessing the peak forces your body has to deal with. A key finding for many overuse injuries.
⚫ Impact Duration - Assessing the rate of loading through the lower body which indicates how well the body deals with the forces of running.
⚫ Ground contact time - Assessing how long each foot remains on the ground for, per step, which gives information about the loading rate of different sections of the body. Highly correlated with injury risk and running performance.
⚫ Symmetry - Assessing potential compensatory strategies from previous injuries, and addressing any imbalances between the two sides in all of the data points seen above.
⚫ Cadence - Assessing how many steps per minute you are taking at various speeds which can give an insight in to the biomechanics of your running.
Not stopping there, we also provide a slow-motion video analysis alongside the Run Easi platform to gain an insight in to the kinematics (how you move) of your running style which we tally up with the data from the analysis above to give the most accurate Gait Analysis possible, and best of all, show you how to start to improve your technique so you can get even more out of your running.
Mobility - Effective Running requires specific amounts of mobility in different areas of the body, which can change at different paces. We’ll take you through a battery of simple tests to ensure that you have what is required, and give you specific exercises to improve your mobility if you’re lacking in any areas.
⚫ Dynamometer testing - We gather data on how much force you can produce in key areas for running, as well as the rate in which you can produce this force using the world-class Active Force platform. There’s no guessing here!
⚫ Key lift testing - We’ll take you through some key lifts in our clinic gym to make sure you’re not only comfortable with the technique but also give you some key tips on how you can get the best performance out of each and every exercise.
How does it work?
The 5-Stage assessment:
Stage 1: After your booking is made, you’ll receive an Online consultation form to help gather information and save time for more assessments on the day of your appointment.
Stage 2: We’ll have a face-to-face discussion around your running goals and any injury/injury risk questions you may have to help us tailor your assessment so you get the best out of the time.
Stage 3: Physical mobility assessment. I’ll take you through some simple mobility tests that are running-specific and also based on your previous injury history.
Stage 4: I’ll perform a 3D Gait Analysis using our state-of-the-art Run Easi platform. I’ll usually carry out the analysis at 3 different speeds and compare the data across the different tests to highlight any changes and challenges when moving through different paces.
Stage 5: Finally I’ll test your strength in key areas of the body using our Dynamometer as well as taking you through some key lifts in our clinic gym and addressing any technique questions you may have. I’ll also talk through options for adaptations if required so that you can get the best out of your strength and power training.
Following your assessment, you’ll have the option to purchase a personalised plan to develop your strength and/or running performance, or you can simply choose to receive the test results and book a re-test for the future to check your progress. You will also receive your comprehensive ‘Rockstar Lab Report’ detailing your results from the testing session and guidance on next steps to make improvements to make you a stronger, more economical, and efficient runner.